Please review: The Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Vulnerabilities...
Disk quota exceeded Email Error MessageIt is advisable to periodically empty the Trash and Sent folders in Webmail. Emails stored in...
How do I access my email using a mobile device?The LIKELY settings you will need to enter into the mobile device e.g. mobile phone, PDA, to...
How do I redirect traffic from a second domain name to my primary domain that hosts my site?Please lodge a Technical Support Request:
How do I reduce the amount of spam my email inbox receives?More information coming soon. Please visit Red Rook Web Hosting Technical Support and lodge a...
I am having problems delegating / moving my domain name.Please lodge a Support Request.
I am having problems receiving my emailsIf you are having problems receiving an email, or someone is having problems sending emails to...
I am having trouble publishing changes to my website.More information coming soon. Please visit Red Rook Web Hosting Technical Support and lodge a...
I can't access my WebmailMore information coming soon. Please visit Red Rook Web Hosting Technical Support and lodge a...
I can't log in to my database. What is wrong?Please double check the information as provided to you in the Domain Management Email. More...
I have lost / can't remember my username and password. What do I do?More information coming soon. Please visit Red Rook Web Hosting Technical Support and lodge a...
I have uploaded or FTP'd my web data but the site still displays a Red Rook page. Why?If you have just uploaded (FTP) your web site data, there are several things to check: A. Make...
MySQL Error - Can't open file: 'something.MYD'. (errno: 145)The following error may occur with a MySQL database table: Can't open file: 'TableName.MYD'....
People are sending me emails but they keep bouncing.It's possible you've run out of email disk space, or perhaps your domain name has expired and...
What is the absolute path to PERL?On the Red Rook Servers, the absolute path to perl is : /usr/bin/perl
What is the absolute path to SENDMAIL?On the Red Rook Servers, the absolute path to sendmail is : /usr/sbin/sendmail